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My texts on the subject area of cinema and the Arab World in books and academic professional journals are often based on conference papers. Current political affairs or anniversaries cause the in-depth discussion of a subject in cinema magazines or political journals (incl. online-magazines). The original language is either German or English, some articles were translated into Arabic.

Between 2016 and 2020 I wrote TV-reviews about films or reportages that deal with the Arab World or Arab communities in Europe for the online edition of renown German daily newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau. Film- and book-reviews are published in various journals. Book reviews can be purely political or look at general subjects related to cinema.

Last but not least you find curatorial texts of some film series I have programmed as well as examples of guide books or background material which I compile or write for different organizations. Usually they are tailor made for trainings and formations of the client and aimed for in house use.

List of Publications (selection)

Articles in books and academic journals

(2020) Cairo-Berlin Return. Early Arab-German Cooperation in Film – The Egyptian-German Example. In: Global Media Journal – German Edition, 10(2); DOI: doi.org/10.22032/dbt.47742

(2015) As if they do not exist. Images of (be)longing and of owning Palestine. In: Global Media Journal. German Edition. Vol. 5, No. 2; URN:nbn:de:gbv:547-201500677

(2014) On the Power of Images as Weapon. Religion and Politics in Films from Palestine. In: Orth, Stefan, Michael Staiger and Joachim Valentin (ed.): Filmbilder des Islam. Marburg: Schüren, S. 206-220. (German)

(2013) Dreams and Realities. Remarks on Arab Film Culture. In: Schneiders, Thorsten Gerald (Ed.): The Arabs in the 21st Century. Politics, Society, Culture. Wiesbaden: Spinger VS, S. 341-352 (German).

(2011) Co-Producing the Memory. Cinema Production between Europe and the Middle East. In: Global Media Journal. German Edition. Vol. 1, No. 1; URN:nbn:de:gbv:547-201100139

(2010) Untold Stories. European Funding of Middle Eastern Films. In: WPCC vol. 7, issue 2, 'Ambiguities of Censorship. An International Perspective'. (PDF); Doi: doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.142

(2007) Where does God Intervene? Elia Suleiman's Divine Intervention. In: Margit Froehlich, Christian Schneider and Carsten Visarius. Projections of Fundamentalism. Reflexions and Counter-Images in Film. Marburg: Schüren Verlag (German).

(2006) Documenting the Middle East. In: P.O.V. - A Danish Journal of Film Studies, No 22 - On Documentary Film. online

(2006) Hany Abu Assad. And Hany Abu Assad in Conversation with Irit Neidhardt. In: Verena Theissl and Volker Kull (ed.). Poets, Chronists, Rebells. Portraits of International Documentary Film-Makers. Marburg: Schüren (German).

(2006) Michel Khleifi. And Michel Khleifi in Conversation with Irit Neidhardt. In: Verena Theissl and Volker Kull (ed.). Poets, Chronists, Rebells. Portraits of International Documentary Film-Makers. Marburg: Schüren (German).

(2005) Palestinian Society as reflected in its Cinema. In: Rebecca Hillauer. Encyclopaedia of Arab Women Filmmakers. Cairo: American University Press, pp 206-8.

(2002) How much do Images Move? The Contribution of Cinema to the Composition of Palestine. In: Klein, Uta and Dietrich Thraenhardt (ed.): Gewaltspirale ohne Ende? Konfliktstrukturen und Friedenschancen im Nahen Osten. Wochenschauverlag (German).  

Articles in cinema magazines and political journals (incl. online publications)

(2019) Palestine in the rearranged world. A second look at the Oslo Accords. In inamo 99...100 | Winter, online at linksnet | PDF (in German)

(2019) Oscar nominated: "Capernaum" and "Of Fathers and Sons". In: inamo 98 | summer 2019, p. 58-62. online (in German)

(2018) Attac and Insult. On the Dispute over the Palestine-Films of Lebanese Director Ziad Doueiri. In:  inamo 95 | autumn 2018, pp. 32-34 (German). online | pdf

In spring 2017 the last part of a trilogy on Cinema Jenin was published
(2010) Reinventing Palestine: The Cinema for Peace in Jenin (German). In: inamo 63 | autumn 2010. Arabic, German
(2011) Cinema Jenin and no Peace. In: inamo 65 | spring 2011, pp. 63-66 (German). online
(2017) It's all over!: Cinema Jenin makes way for a Shopping Mall. In: inamo 89 | spring 2017, p. 52-54 (German). online | pdf

(2014) Politics of Exile, Global Sounds, Tropical Medicine. German-Arab Co-operation and the First World War. In: inamo 80 | Winter 2014 (German), online | pdf

(2013) References of the PLO in German Archives. In: kinema kommunal 4/2013, issue 89, pp. 16-17. (PDF, German)  

(2013) Taking Stock. On Tunisian and Egyptian documentary films in the context of the current uprisings. First published in German at goethe.de; republished by Qantara.de English, Arabic, German

(2013) Art as Weapon. Heteronomy and Self-determination (German). First published in inamo 74 | summer 2013, pp 48-51 pdf. Reprint by Schattenblick, online at Linksnet

(2012) Seize the Space, And Run With It. In: The European, for the debate "Art and Dissent", 29.5.2012

(2012) The Revolution Before The Revolution. Three Arab Women Film-Makers. In: FILM DIENST 8/2012, pp. 6ff. (German) pdf

(2011) Signifiers of the Arab Spring - Films as Seismographes? In: goethe.de (German)

(2011) Blunt Yearning and Political Intervention. On Arab Video Clips. In: CARGO. Film/Medien/Kultur. Webmagazin, April 2011. (German)

(2005) Country of Production XY/Palestine, Aspect Ratio 48: 67. In: Palästina Journal, Berlin, Juli 2005 (German). pdf

(2000) Palestine in Film. An Introduction to the Self-Concept and the History of Palestinian Cinema. In: Palästina-Journal III/2000. Berlin (German).

(1999) Sided Lights: Palestine on Celluloid. In: Film und Fernsehen III/IV. Berlin (German).

TV-reviews for fr-online.de (all in German)

TV-Review: “Lebanon - Caught up in the Chaos” - Explosion at the Port of Beirut in the Arte Theme Night. On "Lebanon - Borders of Blood" by Duki Dror and "Lebanon, the Ordeal of Chaos" by Amal Mogaizel, 17.11.2020

Echo of the War. On "House without Roof" by Soleen Yusef and "Experiment Rojava in Syria. A Society Embarking" by Robert Krieg, 11.5.2019

Zaatari – Memories of the Labyrinth. On the homonymous film by Paschoal Samora, 24.7.2018

A Country Allegendly Outside History. On "Yemen – Chaos and Silence" by François-Xavier Trégan, 27.3.2018

Filmic Smoke Bombs. On "Nidal's List - Allah's Warriors in Europe" by Ahmet Senyurt und Ulrich Hagmann, 7.11.2017

Willful Simplification. On „Ashbal, the Child Soldiers of the Terror Militia“ by Thomas Dandois and François-Xavier Trégan, 26.6.2017 

Also Saviours take Party. On „The Last Men of Aleppo“ by Firas Fayyad, 6.6.2017 

Long Journeys in a Foreign Country. On „Mohammad Mustermann - Germany Your Refugees“ By Matthias Deiß, 13.3.2017

Jihad is Not a Bad Movie. On „The Secret History of ISIS“ by  Michael Kirk and „Baghdad – Devided City“ by Lucas Menget and Laurent van der Stockt, 31.8.2016 

To Take Life Into the Own Hands. On "Patience, Patience - You'll Go to Paradiese!" von Hadja Lahbib, 12.8.2016

Arabs only on Camels. On "Monuments of Eternity. Petra, Capital of the Desert" von Olivier Julien und Gary Glassman, 25.6.2016

Simple World View. On „Jihad, the Counter-Fire“ by Laetitia Moreau, 24.5.2016

Blurred Histroy. On „100 Years of War in the Middle East. The Secret Sykes-Picot-Agreement and its Fatal Aftermath“ by Alexander Stenzel, 17.5.2016

As if Women Could not Think. On „Road to Istanbul“ by Rashid Boushareb, 23.4.2016

Film and Book Reviews

(2020) Review: The Visual Culture of Migration. History, Estetics and Polycentratin of Migration Cinema. In: Global Media Journal (German Edition). Volume 10, No. 1, Spring/Summer 2020 (in German)

(2018) Anatomy of an Investigation. Review of Andreas Maus' feature documentary The Kuaför from Keupstrasse, in imano 94 | summer 2018 in the focus on the NSU, page 94. pdf (German)

(2017) Shawq (Longing) - The Syrian Ramadan-series about the abduction of Razan Zeytouneh. In: inamo 91 | autumn 2017, p. 67 (German), online

(2016) Gazes from the Wound. Arab-Jewish Film Stories. In: inamo 86 | summer 2016, p. 67f, PDF (German)

(2016) GIZ Guidebook: Finding a Suitable Islamist Partner. In: inamo 85 | Spring 2016, p. 71f., On: Schlumberger, Oliver; Gatter, Peer; Panissié, Danaë: Islamist and Jihadist Actors in Partner Countries of German Development Cooperation; [ed.] Programmbüro Interkulturelle Beziehungen mit islamisch geprägten Ländern; Institut für Politikwissenschaft Tübingen. - Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), 2013. - 126 S. : Ill., 978-3-00-041118-2 online | pdf (German)

(2015) Salafism in Germany. Schneiders, Thorsten Gerald (ed.) (2014): Salafism in Germany Origins and Dangers of a Muslim-Fundamental Movement. transcript. 464 pages. ISBN 978-3-8376-2711-4. In: inamo 82 | summer 2015

(2015) Melancholic Hero with Sex Appeal: Hany Abu-Assad's Omar. In: inamo 82 | summer 2015, p. 68 pdf (German)

(2014) Review: Neoliberalism and Global Cinema. Capital, Culture, and Marxist Critique. Kapur, Jyostna & Wagner, Keith B. (eds.) (2011): Neoliberalism and Global Cinema. Capital, Culture, and Marxist Critique. Routledge. 356 pages. ISBN 978-0-415-85414-6 In: Global Media Journal, German Edition (review in English)

(2014) Uproar in Damascus. (D 1939), film introduction on August 28, 2014 In: The Global War. The First World War and the Cinema. Film Series in Zeughauskino at the German Historical Museum Berlin. ( pdf)

(2012) On Love and On Lust. Jocelyne Saab's fiction film "Dunia". In: FILM DIENST 12/2012, pp. 14ff, Focus Islam and Film. PDF (German)

(2011) Each Day a Feast. Review on the German DVD release of Dima El Horr's Everyday is a Holiday. In: inamo 67 | autumn 2011, p. 77f (in German). pdf

(2011) Conformist Provocations. Remarks on Sherif Arafa's Terrorism and Kebab. In: Qantara 29.6.2011, English, Arabic

(2011) Cosmos of Subcultures. On Ahmad Abdalla's Microphone. In: Qantara.de 24.1.2011, English, Arabic

(2011) The Difficulty with Taboos. Reflections on the Moroccan Filmdays in Berlin. In: Qantara 30.9.2011, English, Arabic

(2010) A New Take on an Old View of Palestine. On Julian Schnabel's Miral. In: Qantara.de.

(2010) Ajami In: imano 62 | summer 2010 (German).

Curatorial texts and contributions to program booklets

(2022) Loneliness / Unity. Program for Aflamuna.online English | Arabic

(2018) Remarks on Syrian Cinema. In the booklet of Syria, mon amour. The Syrian Film Heritage from 1974 till today of the Kinemathek Karlsruhe (PDF, German/Arabic) and opening speech of the film series (opening film al-Hudud / The Border by Doureid Laham, Syria 1984) PDF German

(2018) Cinema as Self-Assertion: Films from Palestine. Introduction to the film series in REX Kino Bern / Switzerland.

(2015) Glow of Memory. Retrospective of PLO-German co-productions. Film program the German Historical Museum Berlin. (German/Arabic PDF)

(2012) Arab Spring? Arab Winter? Films from Egypt and Tunisia. Program booklet ciné-club Muenster. (German PDF)

(2011) Revolutions - Anything Else? On the Becoming of Gawkish Images of a Multi-Voiced Region. In: Conflict Alt ESC. News from Baghdad, Beirut, Jaffa & Cairo. 2.-7.Nov. 2011, program brochure of Hebbel Theatre Berlin. Reprint of abridged version in: inamo 68 | Winter 2011. (German PDF)

(2011) Independent Egyptian Film - Independent from What? In: "Before the Storm. Independent Arab Cinema." Film-week by Goethe Institute and Arsenal Berlin, 17.-22.6.2011 at Arsenal/Berlin (German PDF)

(2009) Palestinian Cinema? In: Cinemateca Distrital (ed): Primera muestro de cine de Medio Oriente contemperaneo. / First Middle East Contemtporary Cinema Exhibition. Bogota/Columbia. Nov. 2009 (Spanish/English), German translation: Palästinensisches Kino? In: inamo 61 | Spring 2010, pp. 64-68

Manuals / Booklets

(2019) Funding Guide for Arab Producers. Compiled by Irit Neidhardt, produced by Beirut DC in partnership with Terrso (open source, no copy right). download pdf | view online

(2017) Text: The Documentary and the Arab: On Fictionalization and Emancipation. In the English original and the Arabic translation in: DOX BOX (ed.): Mapping Arab Documentary, pp. 33-46. In the framework of the greater study & scan Data is Beautiful (co-financed by the Transformation Partnership of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Media Support and the Ford Foundation).

(2012) Funding Guide for Arab Documentary Producers. Compiled by Irit Neidhardt for DOCmed, Beirut. Printed via Docmed/Beirut DC, online, pdf, updated edition winter 2012

(2012) Three Women en route (German). Material on the film Chaque Jour est une fête (Each Day is a Holiday / Kul Youm Eid) by Dima El-Horr, Lebanon 2009. DVD Booklet, editors trigon-film and EZEF, trigon-film dvd-edition 212. PDF